colder than cold.

Do you know what -11 degrees feels like?  Well lucky me, now I do.  The past few days have been brutally cold in Chicago (or maybe I’m just used to this warm winter we’re having) and I really think this is the coldest weather I have ever experience.  Sure it gets plenty cold on the east coast, but we’re talking about a different kind of cold here.  A frost bitten legs through your pants, hurts when you breathe, don’t you dare take your gloves off kind of cold.

As I made the short trek from the subway to my office yesterday morning, I had to think happy thoughts of summer to keep myself from questioning why on earth I moved to Chicago after originally planning a move to Southern California.  But then I spent a few minutes thinking of the blooms in Grant Park, runs along the lake front and watching Navy Pier fireworks from my bed, and my attitude changed a bit.  

Chicago, you’re lucky you’re so worth it.