Internet architects mull changes to fight SSL-busting CRIME attacks

IETF proposes change to long-standing practice of compressing encrypted data.

Engineers who help oversee Internet standards are proposing changes to long-standing website practices in order to guard against a new attack that exposes user login credentials even when they are transmitted through encrypted channels.

The tentative recommendations are included in a draft document filed earlier this week with the IETF, or Internet Engineering Task Force. It is among the first technical documents to grapple with an attack unveiled last month that allowed white hat hackers to decrypt the contents of encrypted session cookies used to log in to user accounts on Dropbox.com, Github.com, and other sites. (The sites took measures to block the exploit after researchers Juliano Rizzo and Thai Duong gave them advanced notice of their exploit.) Short for Compression Ratio Info-leak Made Easy, CRIME provided a reliable and repeatable means for attackers to defeat the widely used secure sockets layer and transport layer security protocols. Together, they form the basis of virtually all encryption between websites and end users.

CRIME is able to deduce the contents of encrypted communications that use data compression to reduce the amount of time it takes to move packets from one point to another. By injecting different pieces of known data into a compressed SSL data stream over and over and then comparing the number of bytes each time, attackers can use the method to deduce the encrypted contents character by character. The method worked against protected Web communications that used TLS compression or SPDY, an open networking protocol developed by Google engineers.

"It is RECOMMENDED to disable compression when communications are not trivial, unless traffic increase is considerable," IETF members B. Kihara and K. Shimizu wrote in the draft, which was billed as a "work in progress." "If data are confidential and other mitigations are inapplicable, compression MUST be disabled, especially when the compression is applied in the lower layer like TLS compression."

When compressing whole data in the same context is unavoidable, the draft continued, encryption schemes must insert random paddings to prevent disclosure of the original size of the compressed data. "Note that this mitigation cannot prevent attackers from guessing secrets by statistical approaches," the authors continued. The ineffectiveness of padding wasn't lost on other cryptographers. "Adding random padding to hide the length of compressed/encrypted data is like setting your Prius on fire because it doesn't pollute enough," Johns Hopkins University professor Matthew Green said in a Twitter dispatch. Marsh Ray, a software developer with two-factor authentication provider PhoneFactor, replied: "Or like adding noise to electric cars so hearing impaired people can cross the street?"

This week's draft will expire in the middle of April and could be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time.

Channel Ars Technica