Bleecker Bob's: Demise of New York's famed record store

In its heyday Bleecker Bob's counted music legends Robert Plant and David Bowie among its customers.

Robert Plotnik co-founded the shop in New York's Greenwich Village in 1967. It soon became the place to listen to the latest music and to see the musicians themselves - and Robert Plotnik became Bleecker Bob.

Four decades on and Bleecker Bob's is one of the last reminders of the Village's musical roots. It survived the introduction of cassettes and CDs, outlasted nearby punk venue CBGBs, and managed to stay open when Bob had a major stroke and had to entrust the running of the store to his friends.

But the stars are long gone. Now, young music fans are more likely to come in to buy posters for their dorms than vinyl, and the landlord has decided to put the rent up in line with other properties in the area.

The doors of an iconic record store are still open. But for how much longer?

Produced by Emily Judem and Hazel Sheffield. You can see their full documentary here, external.

Music: When it Was Our Time by Richard X. Heyman; Businessman by Tuff Darts.