Romanian government falls in no-confidence vote

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Picture of Prime Minister Mihai Razvan Ungureanu in parliament
Image caption,
Mihai Razvan Ungureanu became prime minister in February after anti-austerity protests

Romania's government has been unseated in a no-confidence vote, just two months after taking office.

The opposition seized on public anger over austerity measures to oust prime minister Mihai Razvan Ungureanu.

The centre-right coalition had cut salaries and raised sales tax to try to put the economy on a more sound footing.

Romanian President Traian Basescu designated left-wing opposition leader Victor Ponta as new prime minister.

"I have tasked Victor Ponta with forming the new government," Mr Basescu said, according to AFP news agency.

Earlier, Mr Ponta welcomed the no-confidence vote, saying it marked the end of "an abusive system that uses any weapon possible.

"Today there was justice," he said.

Parliamentary elections are due in November.