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    Never miss a GIF: follow The Verge on Tumblr

    Never miss a GIF: follow The Verge on Tumblr


    "This is The Verge," a Tumblr that takes you behind the scenes of the website you love the most, exploring the furthest reaches of the technosphere.

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    insane kid
    insane kid

    Our fear is that you may be making the greatest mistake of your entire life, and you don't even know it. You're going through everyday chores like doing your laundry, buying groceries, taking your kids to soccer practice, just trying to live the "American dream," but all the while there's a gaping hole in your Tumblr follow list. We're talking about "This is The Verge," a Tumblr that takes you behind the scenes of the website you love the most, exploring the furthest reaches of the technosphere. Indelible images, cultural touchstones, incendiary quotes: it's all there.

    Do you want to be like this guy?


    That guy didn't subscribe to The Verge on Tumblr. It's regrettable what happened to him, but it could've been so easily avoided.

    Look at this woman:


    She's living a life full of the joys of This is The Verge. You couldn't wipe that smile off her face if you tried!

    Your actions items seem clear at this point:

    1. Follow The Verge on Tumblr
    2. Reblog everything
    3. Live life to its fullest