pressing pause.

Sometimes life throws you a curve ball and forces you to press pause for a bit. Mine came on Friday after life had been whirling by and I had already been barely able to keep up. Starting my weekend off in the emergency room and spending the remainder of the weekend either drugged and sleeping or back at the hospital was a little different as I had planned – I had a to do list a mile long, my first half marathon of the season, two weeks of blogging to catch up on, freelance work to do and a concert to go to. And none of that happened.

As I fall further and further behind on all of the business I’ve created for myself, I’m (very stubbornly) pressing pause to give myself a little breather. Getting off of crutches is the first order of business at the moment, and we’ll see what happens after that.

For everyone who has sent me well wishes already, thank you. Being in your thoughts means the world and has helped me feel less alone in the moments where I feel like I have no one. I appreciate your understanding during this unexpected little break – I do my best to be genuine and authentic on the blog and I don’t want to stray from that by carrying on with my editorial calendar as planned.

Be back soon.
